Collezione: Corde
La corda è uno dei cinque attrezzi utilizzati nella ginnastica ritmica ed è solitamente realizzata in poliestere, nylon o altri materiali sintetici.
Il modo per trovare le misure corrette della corda sarà in base all'altezza del ginnasta. La corda può essere misurata dalla punta dei piedi fino alle spalle piegata a metà o dalla punta dei piedi allungando entrambi gli estremi con ciascuna mano fino a raggiungere l'altezza delle ascelle.
La particolarità della corda è che non ha una misura minima, Indigo offre due dimensioni per adattarsi a tutti i ginnasti di diversi livelli ed età, abbiamo le corde di 2,5 metri di lunghezza e quelle di 3 metri. Si deve anche tenere presente che la corda può essere tagliata se risulta troppo lunga per il ginnasta.

Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 150g Indigo 2.5 m
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 150g Indigo 2.5 m This heavy rope is utilized in the systematic and complex training of...
De €8,99€8,99€8,99 -
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Pink-Black 3 m
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Pink-Black 3 m The Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Pink-Black 3 m is...
€9,99€9,99€9,99 -
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Bicolor 3m Light Blue-Pink
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope The Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Bicolor 3m Light Blue-Pink is a premier apparatus in...
€9,99€9,99€9,99 -
Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope Indigo 3 m 180 g
Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope Indigo 3 m 180 g Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope Indigo 3 m 180 g The Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope...
€10,49€10,49€10,49 -
Rhythmic Gymnastics Weighted Rope 165g INDIGO Rainbow 3 m
Rhythmic Gymnastics Weighted Rope The Rhythmic Gymnastics Weighted Rope 165g INDIGO Rainbow 3 m is one of the primary apparatuses...
€9,99€9,99€9,99 -
Indigo Sports
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 150 g with Lurex Indigo 2.5 m
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope This heavy rope is used during systematic and complex training in rhythmic gymnastics. Regular use proves...
De €9,99€9,99€9,99 -
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Red-Yellow-Pink 3 m
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope The Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Red-Yellow-Pink 3 m is one of the essential apparatus...
€9,99€9,99€9,99 -
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Bicolor 3 m Violet-Pink
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope Description Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Bicolor 3 m Violet-Pink The Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope...
€9,99€9,99€9,99 -
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Bi-color 3m Red-Black
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope The Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Bi-color 3m Red-Black is one of the essential apparatuses...
€9,99€9,99€9,99 -
Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope With Lurex Indigo 3 m 180 gr
Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope With Lurex Indigo 3 m 180 gr The Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope With Lurex Indigo 3 m 180...
€11,49€11,49€11,49 -
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Tricolor 3m White-Purple-Cyclamen
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Tricolor 3m White-Purple-Cyclamen The Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope is a...
€9,99€9,99€9,99 -
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Black-Lemon 3m
Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Black-Lemon 3m The Weighted Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope 165g INDIGO Black-Lemon 3m is one of...